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Molecular Weight
24440 Da  
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Protein Synonyms/Alias
SubName: Metalloproteinase inhibitor 2 
Rattus norvegicus (Rat) 
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The information of related literatures
1. M. L. Slongo, M. Zampieri and M. Onisto (2002) Expression of matrix metalloproteases (MMP-2, MT1 -MMP) and their tissue inhibitor (TIMP-2) by rat sertoli cells in culture. Biol Chem 383(1): 235-9. 

During testicular development and maturation, extracellular matrix (ECM) remodelling is a fundamental process which requires the presence of several proteases and protease inhibitors. Among the proteases, a pivotal role has been proposed for matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs). Here we report an analysis of MMP-2, MT1-MMP and TIMP-2 expression by rat Sertoli cells in culture using RT-PCR and zymographic techniques. Stimulating Sertoli cells with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in vitro induced evident changes in the level of their mRNA in a time-dependent manner. In the case of TIMP-2 and MT1-MMP, the respective transcripts were augmented up to three-fold after 24 h of treatment, and MMP-2 transcripts increased by four times in the same period. MMP-2 activity determined by gelatin zymography showed an increase in enzyme secretion after FSH stimulation. The results of this study suggest that PMID: [11928819] 

2. J. Grima, K. Calcagno and C. Y. Cheng (1996) Purification, cDNA cloning, and developmental changes in the steady-state mRNA level of rat testicular tissue inhibitor of metalloproteases-2 (TIMP-2). J Androl 17(3): 263-75. 

Using multiple high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) steps and high-performance electrophoresis chromatography (HPEC) in conjunction with an [125I]collagen film assay to identify inhibitors of metalloproteases, we have purified a 22-kDa polypeptide to apparent homogeneity from primary Sertoli cell-enriched culture medium. Partial N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis revealed that this protein is similar to the human tissue inhibitor of metalloproteases-2 (TIMP-2). To determine the similarity of rat testicular TIMP-2 to the human homolog, a full-length cDNA coding for rat testicular TIMP-2 was isolated from a rat Sertoli cell cDNA expression library and sequenced. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence and the deduced amino acid sequence of the rat testicular TIMP-2 cDNA revealed an 84 and 98% homology with the human TIMP-2 nucleotide and amino acid sequences, respectively. A survey of its mRNA transcripts in different tissues by northern blots revealed the presence of two mRNA species of 3.7 and 1.3 kb in the testis and brain but not in the kidney, spleen, epididymis, and liver in adult male rats. Studies using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Southern blot to detect the TIMP-2 mRNA using total RNA isolated from germ cells, Sertoli cells, and Leydig cells have shown that only Sertoli and Leydig cells expressed TIMP-2 mRNA. These results indicate that Sertoli cells are the major source of TIMP-2 in the testis behind the blood-testis barrier (seminiferous tubule barrier). During testicular development from 3 to 60 days of age, the testicular steady-state TIMP-2 mRNA level increased steadily with an advancement of age. Such an increase in the steady-state testicular TIMP-2 mRNA level apparently is not the result of an up-regulation by germ cells because germ cells cocultured with Sertoli cells failed to elicit an increase in the Sertoli cell steady-state TIMP-2 mRNA level. The results of this study suggest that TIMP-2 secreted by Sertoli cells may play a role in tissue restructuring and germ cell migration during spermatogenesis. PMID: [8792217] 

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Subcellular Location
Tissue Specificity
Gene Ontology
GO IDGO termEvidence
GO:0005576 C:extracellular region IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
GO:0008191 F:metalloendopeptidase inhibitor activity IEA:InterPro.
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IPR001134;    Netrin_domain.
IPR001820;    Prot_inh_TIMP.
IPR008993;    TIMP-like_OB-fold.
IPR015613;    TIMP2.
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PF00965;    TIMP;    1.
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SM00206;    NTR;    1.
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PS50189;    NTR;    1.
PS00288;    TIMP;    1.
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Length: 220 bp   Go to amino acid: FASTA
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