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mg0004214  Last updated in Jan 1, 2021
Gene Name Slc26a7
Gene Synonyms/Alias    
Protein Name Anion exchange transporter   
Protein Synonyms/Alias Solute carrier family 26 member 7   
UniProt Accession S26A7_MOUSE   Q8R2Z3   A2AJZ4   B1AWS0     
Genbank Nucleotide ID AF345194   AL772270   AL772236   AL772236   AL772270   CH466538   BC026928  
Genbank Protein ID AAO49172.1   CAM19223.1   CAM19223.1   CAM27494.1   CAM27494.1   EDL05611.1   AAH26928.1  
Organism Mus musculus (Mouse)
NCBI Taxonomy ID 10090
Theoretical PI 8.44
Molecular Weight 71829 Da
Chromosome Location chr4;14502430;14621805;-1 View in Ensembl genome browser
Interpro IPR002645   STAS_dom.
IPR011547   Sulph_transpt.
Pfam PF01740   STAS; 1.
PF00916   Sulfate_transp; 1.
PS50801   STAS; 1.
Record Type Literature Reported
Protein sequence Annotation
CHAIN1656Anion exchange transporter.
TOPO_DOM175Cytoplasmic (Potential).
TRANSMEM7696Helical; (Potential).
TOPO_DOM97144Extracellular (Potential).
TRANSMEM145165Helical; (Potential).
TOPO_DOM166166Cytoplasmic (Potential).
TRANSMEM167187Helical; (Potential).
TOPO_DOM188199Extracellular (Potential).
TRANSMEM200220Helical; (Potential).
TOPO_DOM221222Cytoplasmic (Potential).
TRANSMEM223243Helical; (Potential).
TOPO_DOM244254Extracellular (Potential).
TRANSMEM255275Helical; (Potential).
TOPO_DOM276306Cytoplasmic (Potential).
TRANSMEM307327Helical; (Potential).
TOPO_DOM328343Extracellular (Potential).
TRANSMEM344364Helical; (Potential).
TOPO_DOM365383Cytoplasmic (Potential).
TRANSMEM384404Helical; (Potential).
TRANSMEM405425Helical; (Potential).
TOPO_DOM426448Extracellular (Potential).
TRANSMEM449469Helical; (Potential).
TOPO_DOM470656Cytoplasmic (Potential).
REGION641656Membrane targeting (By similarity).
CONFLICT233233F -> L (in Ref. 1; AAO49172 and 4;
CONFLICT639639S -> T (in Ref. 1; AAO49172 and 4;
Nucleotide Sequence Length: 2289 bp        View nucleotide sequence in FASTA format
Protein Sequence Length: 656 aa        View amino acid sequence in FASTA format
Development stage
Experiment Methods
Protein Complex
Description Acts as a sodium-independent DIDS-sensitive anionexchanger mediating bicarbonate, chloride, sulfate and oxalatetransport. May play a role in the maintenance of the electrolyteand acid-base homeostasis in the kidney, by acting as a distalexcretory segment-specific anion exchanger, specifically chloride.Plays a major role in gastric acid secretion.
The information of related literatures

The basolateral Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchanger in parietal cells plays an essential role in gastric acid secretion mediated via the apical gastric H(+)-K(+)-ATPase. Here, we report the identification of a new Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchanger, which shows exclusive expression in mouse stomach   PMID: [12736153]  

The National Institutes of Health's Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC) project was designed to generate and sequence a publicly accessible cDNA resource containing a complete open reading frame (ORF) for every human and mouse gene. The project initially used   PMID: [15489334]  

Members of the SLC26 transporter family play an essential role in several epithelial functions, as revealed by diseases associated with mutations in members of the family. Several members were shown to function as Cl(-) and HCO(3)(-) transporters that   PMID: [15591059]  

Previous studies have indicated that a major fraction of the filtered Cl(-) is reabsorbed via apical membrane Cl(-)/base exchange in the proximal tubule. Recent studies in Slc26a6 null mice have suggested that this transporter mediates only a portion   PMID: [16263805]  

SLC26A7 is a Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchanger that is expressed on the basolateral membrane and in the cytoplasm of two distinct acid-secreting epithelial cells: The A-intercalated cells in the kidney outer medullary collecting duct and the gastric parietal cells. The   PMID: [16524946]  

The mouse (Mus musculus) is the premier animal model for understanding human disease and development. Here we show that a comprehensive understanding of mouse biology is only possible with the availability of a finished, high-quality genome assembly. The   PMID: [19468303]  

Figures for illustrating the function of this protein/gene
Function Acts as a sodium-independent DIDS-sensitive anionexchanger mediating bicarbonate, chloride, sulfate and oxalatetransport. May play a role in the maintenance of the electrolyteand acid-base homeostasis in the kidney, by acting as a distalexcretory segment-specific anion exchanger, specifically chloride.Plays a major role in gastric acid secretion.
Subcellular Location Basolateral cell membrane; Multi-passmembrane protein. Recycling endosome membrane; Multi-pass membraneprotein. Note=Expressed on the basolateral membrane of acid-secreting gastric parietal cells, distal nephron segments andapical domains of proximal tubules and in the glomerulus.Expressed in the cytoplasm in recycling endosomes of kidney outermedullary collecting duct cells and in acid-secreting gastricparietal cells. Targeted to the basolateral membrane inhypertonicity and potassium depletion.
Tissue Specificity Abundantly expressed in parietal cells on theglandular portion of the stomach. Lower levels are observed in thekidney, with expression in the proximal tubule and thick ascendinglimb of the loop of Henle. Also expressed in distal segments ofnephron, in extraglomerular mesagial cells and a subpopulation ofintercalated cells of outer medullary collecting ducts.
Gene Ontology
GO IDGO termEvidence
GO:0016323 C:basolateral plasma membrane IDA:UniProtKB.
GO:0016021 C:integral to membrane IC:MGI.
GO:0055038 C:recycling endosome membrane IEA:UniProtKB-SubCell.
GO:0015301 F:anion:anion antiporter activity IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
GO:0015106 F:bicarbonate transmembrane transporter activity IMP:UniProtKB.
GO:0005254 F:chloride channel activity IDA:MGI.
GO:0019531 F:oxalate transmembrane transporter activity IEA:Compara.
GO:0015116 F:sulfate transmembrane transporter activity IEA:InterPro.
GO:0001696 P:gastric acid secretion IDA:UniProtKB.
GO:0008272 P:sulfate transport IEA:Compara.
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