Detail Information of SG000114

General information  

Mus musculus
ENSMUSP00000026076  ENSMUSP00000120333  ENSMUSP00000123022  ENSMUSP00000117196  
ENSMUSP00000122810  ENSMUSP00000121447  ENSMUSP00000115239  ENSMUSP00000120058  

Glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor family receptor alpha 1 [Mus musculus (house mouse)]

SpeciesUniprotGene stable IDGene Name
Rattus norvegicusQ62997RGD:2681Gfra1
Gallus gallusO13156Ensembl:ENSGALG00000009173GFRA1
Danio rerioF1R987Ensembl:ENSDARG00000039936-
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Reviewed functional gene

Functional information  

premeiotic    meiotic    postmeiotic    
Sertoli cell    Spermatogonia    Spermatogonial stem cell    

1. Abstract
Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are unique male germline stem cells that support spermatogenesis and male fertility. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNA) have been identified as key regulators of stem cell fate; however, ... PMID: [26962690]  

2. Abstract
Spermatogenesis is the process by which spermatogonial stem cells divide and differentiate into sperm. The role of growth factor receptors in regulating self-renewal and differentiation of spermatogonial stem cells remains largely ... PMID: [17625109]  

3. Abstract
Normal spermatogenesis is essential for reproduction and depends on proper spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) function. Genes and signaling pathways that regulate SSC function have not been well defined. We report ... PMID: [16237148]  

4. Abstract
The identification and physical isolation of testis stem cells, a subset of type A spermatogonia, is critical to our understanding of their growth regulation during the first steps of spermatogenesis. ... PMID: [15708562]  

Li, L., Wang, M., Wu, X., Geng, L., Xue, Y., Wei, X. and Jia, Y. (2016) A long non-coding RNA interacts with Gfra1 and maintains survival of mouse spermatogonial stem cells. Cell Death Dis 7(): e2140. PMID: [26962690]

Li, L., Wang, M., Wu, X., Geng, L., Xue, Y., Wei, X. and Jia, Y. (2016) A long non-coding RNA interacts with Gfra1 and maintains survival of mouse spermatogonial stem cells. Cell Death Dis 7(): e2140. PMID: [26962690]

Li, L., Wang, M., Wu, X., Geng, L., Xue, Y., Wei, X. and Jia, Y. (2016) A long non-coding RNA interacts with Gfra1 and maintains survival of mouse spermatogonial stem cells. Cell Death Dis 7(): e2140. PMID: [26962690]

Li, L., Wang, M., Wu, X., Geng, L., Xue, Y., Wei, X. and Jia, Y. (2016) A long non-coding RNA interacts with Gfra1 and maintains survival of mouse spermatogonial stem cells. Cell Death Dis 7(): e2140. PMID: [26962690]

Li, L., Wang, M., Wu, X., Geng, L., Xue, Y., Wei, X. and Jia, Y. (2016) A long non-coding RNA interacts with Gfra1 and maintains survival of mouse spermatogonial stem cells. Cell Death Dis 7(): e2140. PMID: [26962690]

Z. He, J. Jiang, M. C. Hofmann and M. Dym (2007) Gfra1 silencing in mouse spermatogonial stem cells results in their differentiation via the inactivation of RET tyrosine kinase. Biol Reprod 77(4): 723-33. PMID: [17625109]

Z. He, J. Jiang, M. C. Hofmann and M. Dym (2007) Gfra1 silencing in mouse spermatogonial stem cells results in their differentiation via the inactivation of RET tyrosine kinase. Biol Reprod 77(4): 723-33. PMID: [17625109]

Z. He, J. Jiang, M. C. Hofmann and M. Dym (2007) Gfra1 silencing in mouse spermatogonial stem cells results in their differentiation via the inactivation of RET tyrosine kinase. Biol Reprod 77(4): 723-33. PMID: [17625109]

Z. He, J. Jiang, M. C. Hofmann and M. Dym (2007) Gfra1 silencing in mouse spermatogonial stem cells results in their differentiation via the inactivation of RET tyrosine kinase. Biol Reprod 77(4): 723-33. PMID: [17625109]

C. K. Naughton, S. Jain, A. M. Strickland, A. Gupta and J. Milbrandt (2006) Glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor-mediated RET signaling regulates spermatogonial stem cell fate. Biol Reprod 74(2): 314-21. PMID: [16237148]

C. K. Naughton, S. Jain, A. M. Strickland, A. Gupta and J. Milbrandt (2006) Glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor-mediated RET signaling regulates spermatogonial stem cell fate. Biol Reprod 74(2): 314-21. PMID: [16237148]

C. K. Naughton, S. Jain, A. M. Strickland, A. Gupta and J. Milbrandt (2006) Glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor-mediated RET signaling regulates spermatogonial stem cell fate. Biol Reprod 74(2): 314-21. PMID: [16237148]

C. K. Naughton, S. Jain, A. M. Strickland, A. Gupta and J. Milbrandt (2006) Glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor-mediated RET signaling regulates spermatogonial stem cell fate. Biol Reprod 74(2): 314-21. PMID: [16237148]

C. K. Naughton, S. Jain, A. M. Strickland, A. Gupta and J. Milbrandt (2006) Glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor-mediated RET signaling regulates spermatogonial stem cell fate. Biol Reprod 74(2): 314-21. PMID: [16237148]

C. K. Naughton, S. Jain, A. M. Strickland, A. Gupta and J. Milbrandt (2006) Glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor-mediated RET signaling regulates spermatogonial stem cell fate. Biol Reprod 74(2): 314-21. PMID: [16237148]

LncRNA033862 is an antisense transcript of the GDNF receptor alpha1 (Gfra1) that lacks protein coding potential and regulates Gfra1 expression levels by interacting with Gfra1 chromatin. Importantly, lncRNA033862 knockdown severely impairs SSC survival and their capacity to repopulate recipient testes in a transplantation assay
ReactomeID: R-MMU-8853659
RET signaling

Expression and location  

Expressed highest in cerebral cortex
Expressed highest in spermatogonium
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Cell membrane

Mutation in human orthology  

1000G (Phase 3): 6814   ESP6500 (SI-V2): 115   ExAC (r0.3.1): 507   dbSNP(Build 147): 13514

Chinese health control (254): 16  European health control (283): 15   Chinese patients (168):  

Gene NameDNMR-averageDNMR-SC

Other information  

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Biological ProcessGO:0007169transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathwayTAS
Biological ProcessGO:0007399nervous system developmentIMP
Biological ProcessGO:0009653anatomical structure morphogenesisTAS
Cellular ComponentGO:0005886plasma membraneIEA
Cellular ComponentGO:0016020membraneIEA
Cellular ComponentGO:0019898extrinsic component of membraneTAS
Cellular ComponentGO:0031225anchored component of membraneIEA
Cellular ComponentGO:0070062extracellular exosomeIEA
Molecular FunctionGO:0004872receptor activityTAS
Protein AGene name AProtein BGene name BEvidence
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