Detail Information of SG001229

General information  

Daz-like, Dazh1, Dazla, Tpx-2, Tpx2, Dazl
Mus musculus

Deleted in azoospermia-like [Mus musculus (house mouse)]

SpeciesUniprotGene stable IDGene Name
Rattus norvegicusA0A0G2JYV3RGD:1591714Dazl
Gallus gallusQ804A9Gene:DAZLDAZL
Danio rerioQ9YGW7ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-000405-6dazl
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Reviewed functional gene

Functional information  

premeiotic    meiotic    postmeiotic    
Spermatid    Spermatocyte    Spermatogonia    

1. Abstract
In a subset of infertile men, a spectrum of spermatogenic defects ranging from a complete absence of germ cells (sertoli cell only) to oligozoospermia is associated with microdeletions of the DAZ ... PMID: [10393944]  

2. Abstract
In this study, we characterized the promoter activity of a 1.7 kb sequence in the 5' flanking region of the mouse Deleted in Azoospermia-Like (Dazl) gene. We found the 1.7 kb sequence ... PMID: [19133679]  

3. Abstract
Mammalian oocytes and spermatozoa derive from fetal cells shared by the sexes. These primordial germ cells (PGCs) migrate to the developing somatic gonad, giving rise to oocytes or spermatozoa. These opposing sexual ... PMID: [21504946]  

4. Abstract
Dazl knockout male mice are infertile because their germ cells are unable to complete the first meiotic prophase in the first wave of spermatogenesis and thereafter decrease in number due to ... PMID: [14611632]  

5. Abstract
Y-chromosomal DAZ (deleted in azoospermia) and autosomal DAZ-like (DAZL) comprise a gene family involved in gametogenesis. Y-chromosomal and autosomal genes only co-exist in humans and old world monkeys, indicating that DAZ genes ... PMID: [12200456]  

6. Abstract
Genetic understanding of male-factor infertility requires knowledge of gene expression patterns associated with normal germ cell differentiation. The mouse is one of the best models of mammalian fertility due to its well-characterized ... PMID: [14648873]  

7. Abstract
The DAZ (Deleted in AZoospermia) gene family was isolated from a region of the human Y chromosome long arm that is deleted in about 10% of infertile men with idiopathic azoospermia. DAZ ... PMID: [10819768]  

8. Abstract
Gametogenesis is a complex process subject to strict controls at both levels of transcription and translation. Members of a family of conserved RNA-binding proteins encoded by the DAZ genes are required for ... PMID: [16278232]  

9. Abstract
The autosomal gene DAZL is a member of a family of genes (DAZL, DAZ, BOULE), all of which contain a consensus RNA binding domain and are expressed in germ cells. Adult male ... PMID: [14611631]  

10. Abstract
Dazl encodes an RNA-binding protein essential for spermatogenesis. Mice that are deficient for Dazl are infertile, lacking any formation of spermatozoa, and the only germ cells present are spermatogonia and ... PMID: [11514340]  

C. R. Nicholas, E. Y. Xu, S. F. Banani, R. E. Hammer, F. K. Hamra and R. A. Reijo Pera (2009) Characterization of a Dazl-GFP germ cell-specific reporter. Genesis 47(2): 74-84. PMID: [19133679]

C. R. Nicholas, E. Y. Xu, S. F. Banani, R. E. Hammer, F. K. Hamra and R. A. Reijo Pera (2009) Characterization of a Dazl-GFP germ cell-specific reporter. Genesis 47(2): 74-84. PMID: [19133679]

C. R. Nicholas, E. Y. Xu, S. F. Banani, R. E. Hammer, F. K. Hamra and R. A. Reijo Pera (2009) Characterization of a Dazl-GFP germ cell-specific reporter. Genesis 47(2): 74-84. PMID: [19133679]

C. R. Nicholas, E. Y. Xu, S. F. Banani, R. E. Hammer, F. K. Hamra and R. A. Reijo Pera (2009) Characterization of a Dazl-GFP germ cell-specific reporter. Genesis 47(2): 74-84. PMID: [19133679]

M. E. Gill, Y. C. Hu, Y. Lin and D. C. Page (2011) Licensing of gametogenesis, dependent on RNA binding protein DAZL, as a gateway to sexual differentiation of fetal germ cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108(18): 7443-8. PMID: [21504946]

M. E. Gill, Y. C. Hu, Y. Lin and D. C. Page (2011) Licensing of gametogenesis, dependent on RNA binding protein DAZL, as a gateway to sexual differentiation of fetal germ cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108(18): 7443-8. PMID: [21504946]

M. E. Gill, Y. C. Hu, Y. Lin and D. C. Page (2011) Licensing of gametogenesis, dependent on RNA binding protein DAZL, as a gateway to sexual differentiation of fetal germ cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108(18): 7443-8. PMID: [21504946]

P. T. Saunders, J. M. Turner, M. Ruggiu, M. Taggart, P. S. Burgoyne, D. Elliott and H. J. Cooke (2003) Absence of mDazl produces a final block on germ cell development at meiosis. Reproduction 126(5): 589-97. PMID: [14611631]

P. T. Saunders, J. M. Turner, M. Ruggiu, M. Taggart, P. S. Burgoyne, D. Elliott and H. J. Cooke (2003) Absence of mDazl produces a final block on germ cell development at meiosis. Reproduction 126(5): 589-97. PMID: [14611631]

P. T. Saunders, J. M. Turner, M. Ruggiu, M. Taggart, P. S. Burgoyne, D. Elliott and H. J. Cooke (2003) Absence of mDazl produces a final block on germ cell development at meiosis. Reproduction 126(5): 589-97. PMID: [14611631]

P. T. Saunders, J. M. Turner, M. Ruggiu, M. Taggart, P. S. Burgoyne, D. Elliott and H. J. Cooke (2003) Absence of mDazl produces a final block on germ cell development at meiosis. Reproduction 126(5): 589-97. PMID: [14611631]

DAZL and DAZ can only substitute for early functions of the murine homologue resulting in the establishment of the germ cell population and partial progression into meiosis. In C57BL/6 mice, Dazl is required for licensing. Licensing serves as a gateway from the embryonic processes shared between the sexes--germ cell specification and migration--to the sex-specific pathways of oogenesis and spermatogenesis.

Expression and location  

Expressed highest in testis
Expressed highest in spermatocyte
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Mutation in human orthology  

1000G (Phase 3):     ESP6500 (SI-V2):     ExAC (r0.3.1):     dbSNP(Build 147): 52

Chinese health control (254):    European health control (283):     Chinese patients (168):  

Gene NameDNMR-averageDNMR-SC

Other information  

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Biological ProcessGO:0001556oocyte maturationIMP
Biological ProcessGO:0006417regulation of translationIEA
Biological ProcessGO:0007147female meiosis IIIMP
Biological ProcessGO:0007275multicellular organism developmentIEA
Biological ProcessGO:0007281germ cell developmentIMP
Biological ProcessGO:0007283spermatogenesisIEA
Biological ProcessGO:0030154cell differentiationIEA
Biological ProcessGO:0045836positive regulation of meiotic nuclear divisionIMP
Biological ProcessGO:0045948positive regulation of translational initiationIDA
Biological ProcessGO:0048477oogenesisIEA
Cellular ComponentGO:0005737cytoplasmIDA
Cellular ComponentGO:0005844polysomeIDA
Molecular FunctionGO:0003676nucleic acid bindingIEA
Molecular FunctionGO:0003723RNA bindingIEA
Molecular FunctionGO:0003730mRNA 3'-UTR bindingIDA
Molecular FunctionGO:0005515protein bindingIPI
Molecular FunctionGO:0008494translation activator activityIDA
Molecular FunctionGO:0042802identical protein bindingIPI
Protein AGene name AProtein BGene name BEvidence
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