SG028811 | |||||||||||||||||
Spata20 | |||||||||||||||||
Tisp78 | |||||||||||||||||
Mus musculus | |||||||||||||||||
10090 | |||||||||||||||||
ENSMUSG00000020867 | |||||||||||||||||
ENSMUSP00000042572 | |||||||||||||||||
spermatogenesis associated 20 [Mus musculus (house mouse)] | |||||||||||||||||
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Reviewed functional gene |
postmeiotic | |
Spermatid | |
Spermatid specific protein (Ssp411) is require for the process of spermiogensis. The lack of (Ssp411) causes sperm deformation and results in male infertility. homozygous Ssp411 expression disruption resulted in aberrent spermiogensis and male sterility. | |
Expressed highest in testis | |
Expressed highest in spermatid | |
View detail | |
View detail | |
Secreted |
1000G (Phase 3): 436 ESP6500 (SI-V2): 219 ExAC (r0.3.1): 988 dbSNP(Build 147): 1543 |
Chinese health control (254): 25 European health control (283): 7 Chinese patients (168): |
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Q80YT5 |